Friday, February 4, 2011



Along a path of darkness trod
Step by step I silently plod
Wondering if I am going anywhere at all
Or is it all just a grand and glorious fall?

I am told there is no such thing as seeing
I am told there is only a blind believing
Yet there is another voice much more silent still
The peaceful sound of the whippoorwill
Telling me there is much, much more

The sound does vibrate into my heart
I feel a splitting, the atoms part
Then there is nothing but brilliant, brilliant light
More energy than I could ever, ever conceive
It is no longer night

Within a valley of decision
I faced the laughs and all the derision
Yet determined to set my face like flint
I opened my eyes; I refused to squint
I see the most beautiful thing I ever have seen

K, Duane Carter 2-4-11    


  1. Follow the song, and beauty is the end. Good poem, Duane.

  2. Thanks Glynn!! I always value your encouragement!!

  3. You know, it's strange - this is the second poem today making use of Whippoorwills. Curious - not an image you see so much, and to see two in one day? Goodness.

    Beautiful poem, ending on a note of hope - a sense of searching that ends in the finding...and our dear Whippoorwill, and nature, make fine settings and characters for the journey and the salvation that comes from it. Lovely work.

  4. Hmmm, Cian, I might need to do a little more research on whippoorwills, then. I'm not a believer in coincidence :) Thanks so much for your kind feedback also :).

  5. Oh that magnificent sound the splitting of atoms heard by the master...

    thanks Duane for sharing that sound, that resolve

  6. Hi Duane

    The second part of the verse ...
    'The sound does vibrate into my heart
    I feel a splitting, the atoms part
    Then there is nothing but brilliant, brilliant light'
    made me think of enlightenment.. very interesting and beautiful verse..

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
