Saturday, June 23, 2018

Writer's Block

Writer’s Block

I haven’t written

Sometimes creativity sits
Like a dark black molded growth
Against the side of a dead tree stump

But even that tumor is alive
Even that blotch of ignorance
Is living

I don’t know if I want to share such things with the world
I’m not sure we’re meant to handle the recycling
The remolding
The renewing of everything

But then again maybe we are

And though my creation might not be bright as the star
It is still a creation and holds life

Right in the midst of all this death

I have written


Dedicated to all caught in the midst of the struggle between life and death...

Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Guardians

The Guardians
The guardians tower above
They’ve stood here for millennia
Silence, stillness, stalwart
The oceans have smacked persistent
Never stopping, never wavering
Yet still they stand their ground
Keeping watch, their beauty abounds
Keeping watch with their peaks in the mists

I’m not quite sure I’ve known such bliss
As being in the shadows of the champions
