Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Throne

The Throne
You know
I could drone on like the typical sad poet
But then I thought, “today
I don’t have to do that at all”
Yes there is darkness, evil, and ugliness
But there is also light, good, and beauty

I get to choose which one to focus on

Even in the midst of the chaos
I can settle right into the midst of the order
Even in the midst of death
I can choose to continue to live
And love

For that might just be the key

To love in the midst of everything
Might just be the source of all freedom
The source of all light, all good, all beauty

So I want to rest there
I want to run there
I want to sleep there
I want to dwell there

The place where I choose love over all other things

Might just be the most powerful place in the universe

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