The Unknown
I stand ready for battle
Staring at the blank screen before me
My mouth agape
Ready to fire forth the arrows galore
Yet all I see is rain and mist and haze
I don’t feel or know the Gatekeepers gaze
So all I know is quiet and dust
Where do I find the Guardian’s trust
So that I may enter the fields of renown?
My head has been shaped for a victor’s crown
My feet have been shaped for the journey
My mind has been formed by the years and years
Of competing in the tourney
Yet no prize will I ever know that way
I will know no prize living in this fear, this mist
This life that knows no pain, no bliss
Just the abandoned memories of Costco and Sam’s Club
I go buying up all their pizzas
Is that the way I’m to be known?
Is that the battle guard I’ve always flown?
No, I don’t think so, not at all.
I suddenly hear a clarion call
off in the distance
It’s a voice so distinctive in its strength
Yet universally renowned in all its gentleness
Was that Love I heard?
Before I can say one single, solitary word
My heart has leapt out before me
Now I must go chasing it down
Down into the Keeper’s Fields
The place where everything in my being yields
To the ways and the means of Love who resides there
I hear the lions, I hear the bears
My mind is literally tearing asunder
But my heart charges full speed toward the wonder
The wonder we all call “the unknown.”