Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Don’t assume that everyone is as unfulfilled as you are
Don’t think that normal is your own
Don’t believe that every wish upon a star
Or every seed that’s sown
Becomes the thing you saw it to be
Sometimes it’s more
Sometimes it’s naught
Sometimes a drought
Sometimes a draught 

However things turn out to be
It matters how much it’s watered
It matters how much there’s light
It matters when it doesn’t make a difference
It matters when it’s day or when it’s night

Through all the patterns of the daylight
There is always a weaving and a rhythm
That is well beyond what we see, what we know
There is always a vapor in the starlight
There is always a purity to the snow
We often have to rest to feel it
We often have to still ourselves to perceive
We often have to keep climbing up the mountains
Deeply inhaling the air we receive

Either as if it is not quite enough
Or as if we must keep gasping for more

There’s a subtlety in the difference
I don’t quite know exactly what it means
I simply know in the act of the motion
I begin to see the mysteries of the unseen

In the stillness, in the motion
In the rivers, in the oceans
There are so many questions in life
Yet in them all there lies the signs to the Answer
When we choose to join stillness, not strife

So let’s meander

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