Flying (Again)
Sometimes I wonder what would happen
If we would just let loose
Let go of this imaginary control we have over ourselves
And ride the winds of free and fanciful
I wonder where that would go
I wonder if the world would know
Just what it would be like to be completely transformed
Into a world of dreamers and dancers
Artists and enchanters
Who simply live the impossible things
Instead of searching for golden rings
By analyzing the metallic content of it all
I sense the wonder, I sense the call
But am I willing to let go of this fear
This strange anxiety that keeps me here
In a land of concrete logic and visible truth
Where wisdom is ignored, and worshiped is youth
Yet I see cracks in the pavement
And the flowers are growing there
Before too long we all will simply let down our hair
And run like there is never to be a tomorrow
For it will always be today
It will be this way on earth today
When we let go of these ballasts called fear
Trading them in for the wings of love
Soaring we’ll go to heights above
Heights where others said we could not go
Peace will be our oxygen flow
The mountaintops envious in their lowness
We dance with might, we dance with zest
We simply dance instead of walking in dreary routine
We don’t see what all of the mysteries mean
But we embrace them all just the same
We blow a kiss, we speak a name
We care not for fortune, we care not for fame
I awake from dreams, never the same
I feel the grass beneath my feet again…