Thursday, June 27, 2019

Anniversary Haiku

Anniversary Haiku

Marry me again, Love
Everything you touch, beauty
Our Love forevermore

Broke the rules again
Eight instead of seven there
Freedom is magic

Marry me again, Love
All you touch turns to beauty
Our love forevermore

A true haiku

kdc, 6/26/19

Tuesday, June 18, 2019



Ah, for so long I have tried to be the poet extraordinaire
But, alas, my books just sit on the shelf
Not going anywhere

I made all sorts of excuses
It’s the modern day
No one reads poetry anymore
There has to be a video
There has to be a meme
Vacillating from one to another extreme
I have finally realized

I’ve tried too hard to be someone I’m not

Do that for too long and your soul will rot
To the point where even you notice the smell
The stench, the pain, there is no gain,
The wrench
That finally breaks the bolts from the tightening
Then comes that feeling that is all too frightening

The feeling of panicked disarray

The feeling of floating in outer space
Knowing you’re a million light years from anywhere
And nowhere is where you’ll always be

Sure that floating feeling is free
But freedom without any boundary is nothing less
Than death by lonely wandering
And that death is very, very slow

How do I get past this vaudeville show?
I do not know, I do not know
This seems to be my favorite answer
More and more popular it becomes by the day
I’m told to read, I’m told to pray
Yet silence has forever greeted me

I wish I could be more upbeat
Instead of this deadpan sullen
Yet there are days where these perceptions must come forth
There are nights where the soul is broken

There are lives in which living is not seen

I think it’s time to find the green
The life that comes from seeking light

But I’ve said that all before
It’s almost become a daily chore
Not the majesty and the mystery that it should
I sit and stare at a piece of wood
Waiting for it to save me

Can I find true life within a tree
Is it living
Or is it dead?

These voices go on and on inside my head
I could probably go on like this forever
So before I drone on into a cumbersome blather
I am simply going to stop

To say

Thank you for this day

kdc, 6/8/19

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Dead Amongst the Living

Dead Amongst the Living

I’m no longer writing poetry
I’m not sure why
I sit here on the front porch
Looking at the sky
And that is all I do
These thoughts are many
These thoughts are few
I just don’t know who I am anymore
Stillness can be heaven
Stillness can be hell
And often I cannot
Will not
Tell the difference
These dichotomies have created judgment in me
I don’t want that anymore
But this place where I sit amongst a sandy shore
Feels very unsettling to me
All I wanted was to be free
And all I got was imprisoned
The train blows shrill across the chasm
It’s a warning instead of an announcement
But he seems to be having fun letting it loose
Over and over and over
I look down at the struggling clover
That is surviving this summer heat
Nothing else here questions its existence
So why do I?
Why do I sit and stare at sky

And wonder why it is I’m here?
To sing a song, to drink a beer
To play a game, to work a day
To walk on and on in this merry way
That leads to both great joy and brutal heartache
I hope that those that attend my wake
Will be there to have fun when they greet me

kdc, 6/2/19