Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Awakening (Embrace)

The Awakening (Embrace)
I almost fell off the edge right there
Teetering on the brink of insanity
Nothing is ever good enough
Nothing is ever good enough
The poets once said
“Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was”
I believed them
Now I’ve walked that path at least thirty years
And have found that it ends up here at a precipice
I almost fell right off the edge
So now what do I do?
Do I turn around 
Retrace my steps
Go back to wherever this started?
I might die before I get there
Or I might live
I might be completely overwhelmed with monotony
Or I might see the subtle differences
That come with seeing things from the opposite way
All I know is I have come to this day
Almost aimlessly
Is it too late to set a new course?
Is it too hard to begin anew?
But it is surely more mundane to keep going
This path I have already chosen
This dirty snow, these rocks that are frozen
Give me nothing firm to stand upon
I decide that I must not carry on

I must decide to embrace the difference.

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