Sunday, January 7, 2018

Eighteen Theme

I hadn't written any poetry yet for 2018, but today it simply began to flow and I just went with it. I think the theme of 2018 is going to be rest and restoration, and what brings that about is beauty and joy and delight. So, I hope that this piece will get your year started off in a great direction, and may you know all that is good in this upcoming year. :)

Eighteen Theme

I have felt a call from the ancients
To come and see where I came from
To join in and listen to the songs, the prayers
The sayings, the wisdom
Things that were thought long-forgotten
But, no, 
They still live deeply within our very souls

I hear the bass tones, stirring
My heart cries out, “Go there, go there now!”
Of course all the science behind my brow
Just rolls its eyes in a slumber
A slumber induced by the intoxicating opiate
Of pride in the midst of ignorance

I have long since began walking toward the sound
I have just started to place my bare feet upon the ground
So that I can feel the touch of the earth,
The Sea
The Stone
Many would say all I do is roam
But there is a roaming with a purpose

To know what is sheer delight

It’s been a while since I’ve been out at night
Not to take in more of the same
But to look to the skies
To hear my name
Whispered through the eons of time

I can’t hear that unless I listen
I can’t see it unless I look
The sounds of the Merced river, brook
Still bring serenity to my aging ears
I put on peace and take off fears
So I can continue on the journey

I don’t want my life to be lived on a gurney
Being pushed and pulled 
Torn and worn
I want to live it on my bare feet
I might not get there very fast
I might not get there at all
But I will have seen the shades of fall
Turn my heart into an amber orange

Living in the colors is what really matters to me
And to live in the colors 
I have to see with my ears
Hear with my eyes
Be always expecting the gift of surprise
Be always expecting the gift of delight

Be always expecting the night and the light

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