Friday, April 26, 2013

Surprises (Theme of 2013)


Sometimes God shows up in surprising ways
He comes upon us and messes up our left-brain strays
Waking us up from our slumbers
Our endless, stony days without numbers
Just waiting outside the realms of the religious
Calling us to spread out our wings and fly with Him.

He rests sometimes right above our heads
As we longingly look elsewhere for our bread
Standing outside in the rain and storm
Forgetting, ignoring our original form
Where the light caught our wings and lifted us higher
We have taken stones and form in place of fiery desire
It is less painful, but is not living

God patiently waits, He patiently waits
The light and the music continue to wake
The waves move within our souls, and our minds
To our hearts the melodies one day will find
Then breath will come, warmth will come
The stony caricatures will be undone
We will all find our wings and soak in the sun
Our songs will never be quite the same

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